Khadija Said




Research Officer (Molecular Biologist & Bioinformatician)

Current Work

My current work involves implementing, optimizing and troubleshooting viral sequencing protocols in the lab and carrying out basic sequence analysis. I also participate in the training and support of research fellows so as to assist them in developing skills in laboratory diagnostics and genomics. The programme I’m involved in aims at developing effective measures for the prevention and control of a wide range of pathogenic viruses through providing evidence base to public health authorities.


The desire to work in human research and tackle challenges that require constant troubleshooting. Strength in science-related subjects also played a part in pushing me towards research.


Undergraduate degree in Microbiology and Biotechnology or related disciplines.


I like engaging in indoor activities mostly board games. Given an opportunity, I like volunteering in school- and community-based projects. An interesting hobby I picked up in the last few months is baking cupcakes.

Favorite subject

Chemistry and Mathematics happened to be the toughest subjects then and ended up being at the top of my favourite subjects list.


Ultimately, my goal is to establish myself further as a research scientist in Africa and taking up an academic role in coordinating and contributing in platforms that support genomics and bioinformatics training in Africa.