James Njunge




Post-Doctoral Research Fellow

Current Work

I lead several local and one international project that researches on the relationships between infection, nutrition, mortality and poor growth among children. I aim to identify opportunities to improve care of vulnerable children mainly those hospitalised with illness and are undernourished. I also head the mass spectrometry facility where I provide support to analyse proteins found in biological samples. I lead a small group of staff and students whom we work together as a team to deliver the research being done.


I love research. I want to learn, unlearn, and learn new things. What motivates is the large gap in knowledge especially in Africa on mechanisms that can be used to improve child survival and growth. Currently, we in Africa face two types of malnutrition: Undernutrition and overnutrition. Both result in increased risk of disease and so the continent is facing two groups of diseases: Infectious diseases such as malaria, HIV, COVID19 and non-communicable diseases such as cancer, diabetes, hypertension among others. This is an area that is going to be important because it affects almost every family in Africa and should motivate more people to join research.


Biochemistry, molecular biology, immunology, statistics. Generally, any life science would be a great starting point.


Swimming, jogging, and traveling. I am not a football fan.

Favorite subject



To improve the lives of children by getting to know what makes them sick, die, or not grow well. To lead a group of scientists and develop a well-equipped laboratory where science can be carried out and experimented. To create bigger networks with other scientists in the world. To travel.