Aisha Bwika




Quality Assurance Officer

Current Work

Making sure there is conformity of clinical research trials to the set protocols and standards. This I achieve by reviewing all SOPs, carrying out Audits helping to prepare and compile study documents necessary for studies.

I also attend meetings that will help me know more about what is happening in the studies for me to be able to advice on quality issues appropriately.


I have been working in a clinical trials lab for the last 14 years doing among so many things, preparation, response and closing of findings for both internal and accreditation audits. I also helped newer members into the art of embracing quality practices. With the help of a great team, I enjoyed the rewards of accreditation, and the feeling of being rewarded for something you know you have given your best and worked for, gives me the motivation in what I do.


A Bachelors of Science in Biomedical sciences


Listening to motivational talks (TED Talks), Movies and Documentaries.

Favorite subject

English and Chemistry


To be a Quality Project Manager